Lviv, 30 June 2023 – Today, a three-day significant gathering, called the Lviv Urban Forum, was concluded. It drew over 700 participants, uniting distinguished urban development leaders, policymakers, and stakeholders from Ukraine and beyond. With… Continue reading Lviv Urban Forum becomes a sandbox for reimagining municipalities spaces across Ukraine
Львів, 30 червня 2023 – Сьогодні завершився триденний Львівський урбаністичний форум, який зібравпонад 700 учасників, серед яких були місцеві лідери, політики та зацікавлені сторони з України та з-за кордону. Цьогорічний Форум був присвячений ефективній відбудові пошкоджених та… Continue reading Львівський урбаністичний форум стає майданчиком для переосмислення міських просторів
Several refugees from Ukraine settled in Moldova learn Romanian, with support of EU and UNDP Before the teacher finishes asking the question, several hands are raised – “Moldova is the… Continue reading Zinaida, a refugee from Ukraine: “since I have been learning Romanian, I feel I am part of the community”
Eighteen municipalities affected by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, including five from the Republic of Moldova and 13 from Ukraine, recently completed a five-week Learning Sprint aimed at enhancing the impact… Continue reading The value of the Learning Sprint – EU Response & Renewal Programme
Reflections on the first Regional Sensemaking with nine cities under Mayors for Economic Growth (M4EG) by Elina Jarvela & Tina Stoum, Innovation, UNDP IRH “When we started the project last… Continue reading Did portfolios enable something in the city systems that was not there before?