EU and UNDP launch new Mayors for Economic Grow...

The Mayors for Economic Growth (M4EG) initiative launched by the European Union (EU) is based on the principle that, by working in partnership with the private sector, public organisations and… Continue reading EU and UNDP launch new Mayors for Economic Growth Facility in Azerbaijan

14 Mart 2022
European Union supports the economic growth of ...

The citizens from seven localities will benefit from economic, social and cultural development, community well-being and an increased quality of life, with the EU support. The European Union to the… Continue reading European Union supports the economic growth of seven local communities in the Republic of Moldova with financial assistance of €2.6 million

12 Yanvar 2022
Joint EU & UNDP Virtual Forum on Urban Tra...

A large and diverse group of municipalities, research institutions and think tanks has kicked off a promising dialogue on how to radically change cities and help them become more resilient,… Continue reading Joint EU & UNDP Virtual Forum on Urban Transformations

19 Noyabr 2021
M4EG Virtual Forum

The 2021 Urban Transformation Virtual Forum, hosted by the M4EG, will focus on system transformation and working in complexity. The Forum will showcase emergent practice on urban transformation in the EU… Continue reading M4EG Virtual Forum

12 Noyabr 2021
The EU and UNDP on a learning journey to embrac...

Brussels/ New York/ Istanbul/ Skopje – The joint European Union (EU) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) internal Partner Forum sought to provoke new ways of looking at our… Continue reading The EU and UNDP on a learning journey to embrace complexity in economic development

29 Oktyabr 2021